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All Discussions
Gmagick vs Imagick
Unwanted semicolon appearing
Bulk Download for specific media files
Help creating a plugin from scratch
Embeding TimelineJS
Expose services of the IIIF API in version 3.0
Screen Layout
Errors After 2.x Upgrade
Collective Access and PHP 8
Redis Shuts Down Every Other Week
Interface issues when using access roles with source access checking
Why is CollectiveAccess Searching and Upload Slow
Enabling Getty's Art & Architecture Thesaurus (aat_vocabulary)
Issue at collectiveaccess.org website
Eeasy way to make the default template in Providence v2 wider?
[Providence] Suddenly slow in image upload speed
Installation Trouble Ubuntu & PHP8.2
Best Pdf Renderer ?
Help with searching for objects by ca_collections.type_id?
Digital representations of physical media as ca_objects?
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