Problem: Update or insert values to all collection records in the repository using CA importer.
Failed Attempt:
>>Using a simple data file:.
Column 1:
Column 2: collection.type
Column 3: collection preferred label (aka name)
Column 4: collection attribute (metadata element known to be restricted to all collection types by the profile)
Column 5ff: ditto
>>Mapper spreadsheet with Settings:
Table = ca_collections
existingRecordPolicy = merge on idno
type = item
Note: Type is supposed to be "collection" but if I use type=collection:
(1) the importer creates a zombie collection record with collection type= "Archival collection", idno=% (yep,
the percent sign), and preferred Name= "???" for each record in the collection hierarchy.
(2) The data fields I am trying to update are inserted into the zombie record.
(3) If type is set to item or anything but collection zombies records are not created. data is not inserted, but an
error is logged, which I think means the zombie constructor failed because type was not set to collection.
ERROR --> Could not insert new record for collection: Type must be specified
>> The MAPPING rules that being used are like this"
source=data file column number
group Not used
options Not used
refinery Not used (although I tried collectionsplitter with hit or miss parameter guesses
refinery parms Not Used
I'm not asking you to help debug my futile attempts with splitters, but rather: How would you guys add, for example, a new or updated reproduction policy to every collection record in the repository? I.e., update _collections.reproduction.