I am stuck at the very beginning. It appears that downloaded XML files cannot be detected. I downloaded the audioMD xml file from the Library of Congress. When it did not show up in my installation profiles list, I figured that perhaps it was not in a compatible format that CollectiveAccess. So I downloaded an updated PBCore 2.1 profile for CollectiveAccess from Github, as I have some experience with that schema. This one also did not show up in the installation profiles list. Finally, I downloaded the outdated PBCore 1.2 version that is listed in the documentation. Even that didn't show up in the list.
Thinking that there may be a limit to the amount of profiles that you could select from upon installation, I moved extraneous profiles CDWALite, DACS Heritage, Darwincore, and ISAD(G), to another folder, so that CollectiveAccess would only see the profiles I wanted it to see. Nothing helped; the other profiles were still undetected. Am I missing something really simple in the attempt to get CollectiveAccess to do an installation with the downloaded profiles?