Hi alcoma,
Nice collection!
The audio icon is located here: https://archives.otherminds.org/support/icons/audioIcon72.jpg
There is a smaller one here: https://archives.otherminds.org/support/icons/audioIcon32.jpg
You could change the size by copying audioIcon32.jpg and naming it audioIcon72.jpg to replace the previous file (make a copy in case you change your preference later...). But it is never clean to touch files like that...
(Remark: What is curious about this inventory sheet is that you have 4 audio files for something that should be a single concert, and that these 4 parts do not have a caption to know what they correspond to, or the order they should be listened to. I saw that in other cases on your site, there were sometimes several parts to a concert, and they each had their own record. Couldn't these 4 audio files be concatenated in listening order? Do you have other cases of records with multiple records, like this one?)
To add a caption for each record, you have to edit the file /themes/your_theme/conf/detail.conf
In the object {...}, option {...}, find:
# Representation viewer
representationViewerPrimaryOnly = 0,
representationViewerDontShowPlaceholder = 0,
representationViewerCaptionTemplate = <div class='small'>^ca_object_representations.preferred_labels.name</div>,
You can edit representationViewerCaptionTemplate as you like.
For example in my case, I wanted to display also coverage dates and rights (rightsHolder and rightsText), so I edit as below. (These metadata elements are defined when you edit your representation.)
representationViewerCaptionTemplate = <div class='small'>^ca_object_representations.preferred_labels.name<ifdef code="ca_object_representations.coverageDates"><br>^ca_object_representations.coverageDates</ifdef>
<ifdef code="ca_object_representations.rights.rightsHolder"><small><br><i>Crรฉdits : ^ca_object_representations.rights.rightsHolder</i><ifdef code="ca_object_representations.rights.rightsHolderLink"> <a href='^ca_object_representations.rights.rightsHolderLink' target='_blank'>๐</a></ifdef></small></ifdef>
<ifdef code="ca_object_representations.rights.rightsText"><small> โ <i>^ca_object_representations.rights.rightsText</i><ifdef code="ca_object_representations.rights.rightsTextLink"> <a href='^ca_object_representations.rights.rightsTextLink' target='_blank'>๐</a></ifdef></small></ifdef></div>,
Whatever you change, clear pawtucket and your browser caches to see the changes.
Does this help you?