Hi monica, thanks for your prompt reply!!
What is the current release? We installed this recently.
I made the changes in app.conf:
#Email notifications
#Settings for notifications system used for metadata-based alerts
notification_email_sender = [email] to match my setup.php email from.
notification_email_subject = (<app_display_name>) Metadata Notification from CollectiveAccess
in app/log there is only:
2024-06-05 19:17:29 - DEBUG --> Executing command: '/usr/bin/dcraw -i 2> /dev/null'
2024-06-05 19:17:29 - DEBUG --> Executing command: '/usr/bin/libreoffice --version 2> /dev/null'
2024-06-05 20:20:25 - DEBUG --> Executing command: '/usr/bin/mediainfo --Help > /dev/null'
2024-06-05 20:20:25 - DEBUG --> Executing command: '/usr/bin/ffmpeg> /dev/null 2>&1'
2024-06-05 20:20:25 - DEBUG --> Executing command: '/usr/bin/dcraw -i 2> /dev/null'
2024-06-05 20:20:25 - DEBUG --> Executing command: '/usr/bin/libreoffice --version 2> /dev/null'
The caUtils help doesn't mention anything related to emails:
`CollectiveAccess 1.7.17 (158/RELEASE) Utilities
export-profile Export current system configuration as an XML installation profile.ma
install Performs a fresh installation of CollectiveAccess using the configured
values in setup.php.
push-config-changes Pushes configuration changes from this system out to other systems.
update-installation-profile Updates the installation profile to match a supplied profile name. Backup
your database before you use this!
Content management
scan-site-page-templates Scan site page templates for tags.
process-task-queue Process queued tasks.
export-data Export data to a CSV, MARC or XML file.
import-data Import data from many types of data sources.
import-media Import media.
load-AAT Load Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) into CollectiveAccess.
load-ULAN Load Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) into CollectiveAccess.
load-chenhall-nomenclature Load AASLH Chenhall Nomenclature from an Excel file
load-export-mapping Load export mapping from Excel XLSX format file.
load-import-mapping Load import mapping from Excel XLSX format file.
print-system-guid Print system GUID value used for replication.
replicate-data Replicate data from one CollectiveAccess system to another.
check-media-fixity Verify media fixity using database file signatures
check-metadata-alerts Checks periodic metadata alert triggers
check-relationship-type-roots Check for and repair missing relationship type root records.
check-url-reference-integrity Checks integrity for all URL references in the database.
clear-caches Clear application caches and tmp directories.
clear-search-indexing-queue-lock-file Remove search indexing queue lock file if present.
do-configuration-check Performs configuration check on CollectiveAccess installation.
fix-permissions Fix folder permissions. MUST BE RUN WHILE LOGGED IN WITH ADMINSTRATIVE/ROOT
PERMISSIONS. You are currently logged in as root (uid 0)
generate-missing-guids Generate missing guids
generate-new-system-guid Generates a new system GUID for this setup. Useful if you're using the
sync/replication feature.
load-metadata-dictionary-from-excel-file Load metadata dictionary entries from an Excel file
precache-content Pre-generate content cache.
precache-search-index Preload SQLSearch index into MySQL in-memory cache.
purge-deleted Completely and permanently removes records marked as deleted in the
rebuild-sort-values Rebuilds values use to sort by title, name and identifier.
regenerate-dependent-field-values Regenerate template-generated values for fields that are dependent values.
reload-object-current-location-dates Regenerate date/time stamps for movement and object-based location
reload-object-current-locations Reloads current location values for all object records.
reload-service-values Reload InformationService attribute values from referenced URLs.
reload-ulan-records Reload records imported from ULAN with the specified mapping.
remove-deleted-representations Detects and, optionally, completely removes object representations marked
as deleted in the database. Files referenced by these records are also
remove-duplicate-records Show and, optionally, remove duplicate records
remove-unused-media Detects and, optionally, removes media present in the media directories but
not referenced in the database.
reset-password Reset a user's password
update-database-schema Update database schema to the current version.
validate-using-metadata-dictionary-rules Validate all records against metadata dictionary
regenerate-annotation-previews Regenerates annotation preview media for some or all object representation
reindex-pdfs Reindex PDF media for in-viewer content search.
reprocess-media Re-process existing media using current media processing configuration.
precache-simple-services Pre-cache simple service responses.
create-ngrams Create ngrams from search indices to support spell correction of search
process-indexing-queue Process search indexing queue.
rebuild-search-index Rebuilds search indices. Use this if you suspect the indices are out of
sync with the database.