Hi again,
Sorry, I read again and I understand you want lots to be searchable...
Could you share your ca_object_lots_search_subview_html.php file?
Did you modify also the themes/your_theme/conf/search.conf file? You should have a block like:
object_lots = {
displayName = _(Lots),
table = ca_object_lots,
restrictToTypes = [],
view = Search/ca_object_lots_search_subview_html.php,
itemsPerPage = 10,
# --- sortControlType = dropdown or list
sortControlType = list,
sortBy = {
ID = ca_object_lots.idno_stub,
sortDirection = {
ID = asc,
And if you want to display a detailed page for lots, you must have (or create) also a themes/your_theme/views/Details/ca_object_lots_default_html.php file containing how to display the metadata you want.
I made an example. Visit my web site: https://collections.univ-pau.fr (it is in french...) --> in the search box (top right) search for "2022". You will have a list of results (objects, lots, peoples, places, events). In "Lots", there is only 1 lot called "2022 SET". (I made it public just for this example.)
If you click on "2022 SET", you will see the detailed page for this lot: title, description, and related collections, objects, places... If you click on an object, you'll have its detailed page and, at the bottom, a link to related lots ("Lot en relation :")