Hi -- I wonder if I could get some insight into the following error messages in my Apache error logs, particularly the first one which I think is a clue to my entire installation periodically hanging. Many thanks!
utilityHelpers.php hangs whole system?
PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /var/www/html/app/helpers/utilityHelpers.php on line 448
Code - line 448, function named "&caGetSubDirectoryList" stalls
* Returns a list of directories from all directories under $dir as an array of directory paths with associated file counts.*
function &caGetSubDirectoryList($dir, $pb_include_root=false, $pb_include_hidden_files=false) {
return $va_dir_list;
Invalid arguments, fatal_error_html.php
PHP Warning: join(): Invalid arguments passed in /var/www/html/themes/acorn/views/system/fatal_error_html.php on line 52
Code - line 52, join function having issues.
foreach($pa_errcontext as $vn_i => $va_trace) {
print "<li>".(($vn_i == 0) ? "In " : "At ").$va_trace['class'].$va_trace['type'].$va_trace['function']."(".join(', ', $pa_errcontext_args[$vn_i]).") in <a class='tracelistEntry' title='".$va_trace['file']."' ondblclick='var f=this.innerHTML;this.innerHTML=this.title;this.title=f;'>".pathinfo($va_trace['file'], PATHINFO_FILENAME)."</a> line ".$va_trace['line']."</li>\n";
Temporary key parsing error in Providence's collectiveaccessCache
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ''YToxNDY6e3M6MzI6IjI2YzgxMDg1M' (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE) in /var/www/html/archiveadmin/app/tmp/collectiveaccessCache/0fea6a13c52b4d47/25368f24b045ca84/38a865804f8fdcb6/57cd99682e939275/efd02694d21a801f/598ce1b6114171fe/c21f969b5f03d33d/43e04f8f136e7682/e92d1ceb7caccf1b/c14ac4c40a5783fd.php on line 14
Code - line 14, key parsing issue.
`/* Cachekey: cache/stash_default/prov/default/configurationcache/ /
/ Type: array /
/ Expiration: 2035-01-05T19:54:44-05:00 */
$loaded = true;
$expiration = 2051657684;
$data = array();
/* Child Type: array */
$data['return'] =
/* Child Type: integer */
$data['createdOn'] = 1714957840;`